Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ted Kennedy DEAD!!!

It is been a while since I have posted as things have been busy getting ready for the beginning of school.

This will be year 32 (33 if you count student teaching) for Texas Truth. One third of a century. That is a long time in the classroom.

Well, on to other things.

Ted Kennedy died yesterday. It is always a tragic occurrence when someone dies, especially from cancer.

But what concerns me about all the tributes to Kennedy is what happened 40 years ago. A young woman died in a overturned car submerged in water. That woman was Mary Jo Kopechne.

Belief what you will. I have a definite opinion of Ted Kennedy and his involved in the accident. If you have read any of my posts on this forum, I think you KNOW what I feel about this man.

In another related matter. WHAT give Kennedy the right to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery?

"Murder is always a mistake - one should never do anything one cannot talk about after dinner" - Oscar Wilde

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