Sunday, March 25, 2007

Jersey Guys: Illegals are Criminals And Should Be Treated As Such

Craig Carton and Ray Rossi, are the hosts of an afternoon radio show call “The Jersey Guys” on WKXW, 101.5 FM in Newark, New Jersey.

Two weeks ago, Mr. Carton and Mr. Rossi started “Operation Rat a Rat/La Cucha Gotcha,” a listener-participation game that encourages people to turn in friends, neighbors and “anyone suspicious” to immigration authorities.

Carton has been quoted: “If you’re here illegally, you are breaking the law — no better, no worse than the guy who robs the liquor store or the guy who waits to case your house out and robs you of your belongings. You are a criminal.”

You can link to the article in the New York Times here or by clicking on the title of this post

I know it may not be politically correct to agree with their statements, and the good Lord knows that that I couldn't care less about being politically correct.

As a result, I feel that their statements are right on the money. I realize that they are doing this as a radios joke, but they have hit the nail on the head with their statements.

Illegal immigrants ARE criminals. I have referred to them as "Criminal Aliens" in the past. They are a blight on our country. Some have said they only want a better life, and contribute so much to our country and it's culture.

I challenge anyone to show me any contributions that any criminal alien has mad to this country.

I challenge anyone to show me any improvements to our culture that have been made by criminal aliens.

I challenge anyone to bring forth one solid shred of evidence that show that criminal aliens have contributed to the betterment of our country.

I challenge anyone to bring forth evidence that shows the presence of criminal aliens in a community caused crime to go down or remain the same.

I challenge anyone to bring forth evidence that shows that the presence of criminal aliens in a community caused property values to go up or remain the same.

I challenge anyone to bring forth evidence that shows that the presence of criminal aliens in a community caused the cost of public medicine to decrease.

There are many other examples of how criminal aliens bring down a community but space prohibits them being listed here.

Yes, the Jersey Guys are doing this for ratings and to cause controversy. But their message is a right and pure as a newborn child. Illegal immigrants or "Criminal Aliens" are illegal and should me treated as criminals.

Anyone who fails to see that fact is either on drugs or should be.

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