Saturday, March 1, 2008

Clinton Challenges Texas' Primary and Caucus Rules (Possible)

Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign has raised the possibility of a challenge to Texas' primary and caucus rules just days before the contest, drawing a warning against legal action from the state's Democratic Party.

Top strategists for Democratic rival Barack Obama said Friday they supported the party's action, suggesting the Clinton campaign was trying to block the reporting of caucus results.

Read more about it

The plot thickens. More information as it develops.


W.R. Chandler said...

After all, just like in Florida 2000, the Democrats want *ALL* the votes counted.

(Shaking my head in amazement)

Law and Order Teacher said...

I think we haven't heard the last of Florida and Michigan. There are a lot of delegates in these two and if Clinton ends up behind, they will pull out all the stops. I don't think Obama will have an easy time getting the nomination. It certainly will be a messy, messy process.

The Vegas Art Guy said...

The messier the better I say. Let them beat the snot out of each other up through the convention. It'll be that much easier to beat them in November.

Texas Truth said...

Chanman: yes, and they want them counted often and as many times as is necessary to win.

Texas Truth said...

Chanman: yes and they want them counted often and as many times as it is necessary for them to win.

Texas Truth said...

Law and Order Teacher: Hillary is going to take this thing down to the wire. She will not give up and will put out all the stops to beat Obama. I hope they both spend all their money on the primaries. That will help us (Republicans) win in November.

Texas Truth said...

The Vegas Art Guy: This fight is making it fun down here in Texas for Tuesday. I am going to vote after school and spend the evening following the returns on television. I am also hoping to get out and get some ideas for future posts from around the area.

Esaba[CZ] said...

I'm hopping Billiary Wins TX and OH! The fireworks from that fallout would be joyous to watch! The endless bantering and Bickering, between Obama and Billiary. It would be time to grab a big bowl of popcorn, press record on the DVR (Since, of course their going to forget what they say) and watch it all on fold.
I'm banking on the Clinton's desperation and "Can Do, Will Do, anything" attitude to split the democratic part into fragments. That way, McCain can sweep them all up in NOV.

Texas Truth said...

Esaba[CZ]: Well, she won Texas and Obama steps up the attacks. I hope they rip each other's hearts out.