Monday, March 17, 2008

Obama Caught in a Lie

Contrary to Senator Barack Hussein Obama's claim that he never heard his pastor Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. preach hatred of America, Obama was in the pews last July 22 when the minister blamed the "white arrogance" of America's Caucasian majority for the world's suffering, especially the oppression of blacks.

It looks like Barack Hussein Obama has been caught in a lie. Imagine that. Barack Hussein Obama telling a lie to divert attention from his relationship with his radical, racist preacher Jeremiah Wright.

Barack Hussein Obama is digging himself a deeper and deeper grave. It will not be long until his Presidential aspirations are nothing but a bad memory.

"No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar." - Abraham Lincoln


Esaba[CZ] said...

HAHA! I can't tell you how much glee this post filed me with. Next you will hear "Now, MSM, you are misinterpreting what I said.... even though I as their I did not hear him say this, you see I had my iPod in and..."

Law and Order Teacher said...

It's amazing just how gullible Obama thinks people are. I have belonged to his church for nearly 20 years, but never heard him say these things. It would seem he isn't quite smart enough to cover his tracks and no amount of awesome speechifying can change the truth.

Average American said...

Is everybody ready to hear some more Obamashit today? It should be interesting.

For me, nothing Obama says will undo the damage done by his close affiliation with Reverend Wright. Of course, he never had my vote anyway. I hope Americans by the millions will not keep believing his lies and see him for what he is, but then I remember Slick Willy's claim that he "never inhaled", and lest we forget "I never had sex with that woman." Not being a bleeding heart liberal myself, I find it hard sometimes to understand the inner workings of their pea-brains! About all I can say with no uncertainty is that we are very fortunate that being stupid is not illegal, or we would triple the national debt building prisons!

Damn! I'm getting cynical in my old age!!


Texas Truth said...

Esaba[CZ]: He will try to get out of it. Listen to his speech today (Tuesday). He is talking through his teeth.

Texas Truth said...

Law and Order Teacher: They are caught up in his hoopla. Look back on my post about the movie "Wild in the Streets." The hoopla surrounding Obama is exactly like that.

Texas Truth said...

Average American: I am going to read and listen to Obama's enitre speech when I get some time this week. By the way, you are not getting cynical in your old age. I am not either. I think we are both tired of all the bullshit out there (or should I say Obamashit). Take care.