Friday, March 14, 2008

Obama on "Hannity and Colmes"

Barack Obama was on "Hannity and Colmes" tonight. It was an exclusive interview that was conducted earlier today by Major Garrett on Fox News.

He was questioned about his relationship with Jemimah Wright and what his views were concerning Wright.

Obama seemed flustered and stammered during the interview. He tired to explain his views but seemed confused and struggled with his response.

He certainly looked to be out of his insulated, protected arena that he has placed himself in since he began running for President.

The facade that is Barack Obama is coming down. He is nearing the end of his run for the Presidency. He is finding out when he does not have all the questions before they are asked, he has to think on his feet. It is clear after this interview that he cannot.

The end is near for Obama. Now bring on Hillary. Her days are numbered too.

"The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.” – Winston Churchill


Anonymous said...

Love the Churchill quote; too bad there aren't more like him around these days.

Obama reminds me of a knitted looks like a solid piece of fabric until you find the loose end and start pulling. It all unravels into a pile of loose ends.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Obama reminds me of when we used to interrogate suspects. It's easy to tell the liar, because they stammer and stall as they try to think ahead of their present statement. As they try to focus on your next question, they begin to forget what they are saying about the present question. Too much work for even the most nimble mind. He is only the eloquent speaker he appears to some when he is delivering his standard stump speech. It is remarkably like a sermon in church. No annoying questions to bother him while he speaks. He is starting to show the wear when he speaks. His next level will be that he begins to strike out at his opponents. That will be interesting to see. Then we'll some real hope for change.

Average American said...

Hark!! I hear the fat lady singing and it doesn't even sound like Billary. Actually, unless I didn't look hard enough, she is playing this one smart--not a peep from her yet.

I knew given enough rope Oprah's illegitimate kid would hang himself. Just a matter of time.

There is one part of this I feel bad about though. A lot of young people came out of the woodwork and away from their playstations to go vote. I hate to see them get diallusioned like this. Almost doesn't seem fair. Maybe they'll get on McCains wagon now, I can't see many of them going to Billary.

Stay gold, Joe

Texas Truth said...

nunoftheabove: Another person like Churchill would be great. I think the last of his kind was Ronald Reagan.

Texas Truth said...
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Texas Truth said...

Law and Order Teacher: Yes, he also reminded me of a certain students when one cathes them in a lie. I think more "lies" and "untruths" will come out as time goes along.

Texas Truth said...

Average American: I hope they (youth) learn form this experience. I try in my classes to educate them as to the pros and cons of both parties. They know I am conservation, but I never force my opinions on them. Some have been amazed that Obama and Clinton believe some of the things they (the students) are against. Education CAN make a difference if one is allowed to teach and not mess with state testing.