Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hillary Rodham Clinton Shows More Hypocrisy

After a weekend spent making direct appeals to gun owners and church goers, Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday a query about the last time she fired a gun or attended church services "is not a relevant question in this debate” over Barack Hussein Obama’s recent comments on small town Americans.

“We can answer that some other time,” Clinton said at a press conference held in a working class neighborhood here. “This is about what people feel is being said about them. I went to church on Easter. I mean, so?”

Clinton described the furor surrounding Obama’s remarks as “about how people look at the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party leadership.”

This woman is a hypocrite to the nth degree. She has recently tried to portray her image as not an anti-gun patriot and a religious candidate.

This just goes to show how far this woman will go to gain supporters, votes, and the White House.

As I have said before, if she gains the White House, we will see a level of corruptness, dishonesty, and curtailing of our civil and God Given rights as we have never seen.

She is as dangerous as any enemy this county as ever had.

"The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity” - Andre Glid (French writer, humanist and moralist, 1947 nobel prize for literature, 1869-1951)


Average American said...

....As I have said before, if she gains the White House, we will see a level of corruptness, dishonesty, and curtailing of our civil and God Given rights as we have never seen....

I agree 100% and would add that Obama would be just as bad. I really don't know which I despise most.


Texas Truth said...

Average American (Joe): It will be bad either way. They cannot EVER be trusted.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I love that she was drinking shots and beers with the boys. Then she started talking about duck hunting as a child with her dad. I guess I'm a pansy. I like beer but don't like shots and I don't hunt. Not because I don't think it should be done, but because I don't like to do it. I'm so ashamed, Hillary is more of man than me.

Anonymous said...

TT- there was once a book called the Many Faces of Eve; I think it needs an update. If she can't win being a woman, by gosh, she'll be one of the boys. If she can't win by being from NY; she'll put on a southern drawl. There is no limit to her willingness to sell her soul to whatever incarnation will bring her votes.

LOT -- Don't feel bad, she has had years of experience pitting her testosterone against Bill's. I think he loses that one, too.

Texas Truth said...

Law and Order Teacher: She also may be more of a man than I. I cannot handle shots and beer together now. When I was younger, I did partake of them, with the usual and expected results.

Texas Truth said...

nunoftheabove: Sell her soul.... Does she even have one left? I thought she had already sold it to the Devil himself.

The Vegas Art Guy said...

But who's more power hungry Billary or Obama? Talk about a toss up!

And I don't do hard liquor either. I stick with beer and not the mass produced stuff either.

Anonymous said...

If Hillary is such a fan of hunting, why not let her go with Dick Cheney?

I'll buy the shells!!!!!!!

Average American said...

Why doesn't Hillary wear skirts?

Cause her balls would show.

Texas Truth said...

The Vegas Art Guy: They both are power hungry. They will be unstopable if they get power.

Texas Truth said...

nunoftheabove: I bet ANY shotgun would knock her on her ass. Even a little old .410.

Texas Truth said...

Average American: I guess because she would be too lady-like and she wants to look more MANLY!!!