Sunday, January 27, 2008

Super Bowl 42 Possible Budweiser Commercial Clips

I felt like posting something light today. I am so burnt out watching the news channels and the constant bickering among the talking heads. So I though I might go in a different direction with today's post.

As Super Bowl 42 approaches, I look forward to the commercials. I watch the game, but do not get caught up in it like most of the people I know. Don't get my wrong, I LOVE sports. What red blooded American male doesn't. But the Super Bowl has turned into a week long party, with endless hours of broadcasts about anything related to everything football. After a while, it becomes too much.

But I watch the game to watch the commercials. They are some of the best of the year. Texas Truth has found a video
with five shorts clips of possible Budweiser commercials that may be aired during the Super Bowl. You can view them below.

Watch and enjoy. Please leave your comments about what you think of them.

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