Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bush Disappointed Over Pre-War Intelligence

This past Tuesday, President George W. Bush expressed in unusually frank terms his disappointment over flawed pre-war intelligence and acknowledged his fears about leaving an unfinished war to a Democratic successor. You can read the article here.

I think this a man who is truly bothered by the outcome in Iraq. I have believed for sometime that many of the people who supported his decision to go into Iraq turned their back on him and openly attacked him. It is a fact that the pre-war intelligence WAS flawed, but many people (both Republicans and Democrats) along with many of world's leaders viewed the intelligence and supported him on the basis of that intelligence.

As I have stated many times, I do not agree with everything President Bush as done in office. His job is a tough one. I would not want it. Others do want the job (badly) and I cringe to think what will happen if Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barack Huessein Obama are elected. I am glad that he was our leader instead of Al Gore or John Kerry. With either of them in the White House, we might not have much of a country left today.

We will have destruction, terror and an Apocalypse the likes of which we have never seen.
God help us if either of these two gain the White House. God help us, because there be no one else who will.
"A leader, once convinced a particular course of action is the right one, must have the determination to stick with it and be undaunted when the going gets rough" - Ronald Reagan


Anonymous said...

I agree with you on all three points: the intelligence was flawed, Bush has not been the conservative that I would have expected, and the two Democratic candidates are a ticket to disaster.

Where is Reagan when we need him? Hopefully listening to our prayers and putting in a good word for us when we need it!

Law and Order Teacher said...

Good post. I agree with Nun on these three points. My main disappointment with W is that he didn't hold his ground on spending. He has an irritating habit of trusting people who are out to kick his a**. If he were more cynical he would have been more successful on the domestic front. That said, there is a fine line between cynicism and paranoia. Nixon went over the line, Bush stop short of it. On Iraq and Afghanistan he got it right. History will be kind to him.

Texas Truth said...

nunoftheabove: We are definately up a creek without a paddle if HRC or BHO get elected. I dread the "mess" we will be in and the "cesspool" this country will become.

Texas Truth said...

Law and Order Teacher:History will be kind to Bush. I know a different generation will see it the way we do. The shame is we will not be around to see it.

The Vegas Art Guy said...

And remember this. At that time France was always waiting for an opportunity to make us look foolish, if their intelligence had something different than we did, the French Minister's response to Powell's speech would have been the perfect time to show the world how stupid the US was. They didn't do anything of the sort if I remember correctly.

And who was it who gutted the CIA etc?

Texas Truth said...

The Vegas Art Guy: I do remember that. Many poeple do not remember all the facts.