Sunday, June 1, 2008

Obama = The Carter Syndrome

I found this and had to post it. It is from the Thursday, May 22, 2008 New York Post website.

Mike Ramirez is a cartoonist for Investor's Business Daily. His cartoons appear on NYPOST.COM Monday through Friday.

I will post more as I find ones I like.

"Which makes the audacity of the Obama campaign more than amusing—and amazing—to watch. Consciously or not, Obama has selected the philosophical template of the Carter administration, from defunding the military, fighting the “special interests” down to imposing the windfall profits tax on the rich. Well, as Justice Clarence Thomas might say: whoop-dee-damn-do! This is precisely the philosophy of Jimmy Carter, although Carter had the good sense not to campaign as the pacifist he really is in 1976, waiting until the moment his hand came off the bible for that." - from the "American Spectator"


Obob said...

I cannot agree enough we have seen this pony show before. And the MSM has such a crush on him they can't realize it. Between the Messiah-like worship, the appeasement of Chamberlin/Joe Kennedy, his religious conviction (I do snicker there) and the hits will keep rolling.
THe fact he hates tough questions rear its ugly head post Denver.

Law and Order Teacher said...

The fondness of the Dems and MSM for dismissing McCain as the third Bush term has met its match. Obama is truly a resurrected Carter. That one quote says it all about Obama. I don't imagine asking permission of other countries to continue our lifestyle is going to go over very well with most Americans. Carter was feckless and pathetic and Obama is on the same path. I have often wondered why Sadat gave his life for an agreement that essentially was meaningless. It certainly didn't lead to any kumbaya in the Middle East. Carter got face time for it and a prominent place in the Blame America First Hall of Fame. Sadat got dead.

Texas Truth said...

Obob: It is scary to think what will happen with Obama at the helm. I posted a piece a few months ago about a movie that Obamamania brought to mind. It was called "Wild in the Streets." I may repost it to see what kind response and comments I get.

Texas Truth said...

I can remember a time when journalists were objective and actually reported the news. Most of them have become talking head and celebrities themselves. Carter was such a buffoon and the masses swarmed around him during the election of 1980. After he got into office, the masses wanted to move on from Watergate. It only took Carter 4 years to mess everything up and allow Reagan to take over. I think that will happen if Obama get gets the White House. The only problem is I thought the same thing about Bill Clinton.

W.R. Chandler said...

I keep waiting for Obama to tell us we are in a "malaise."

Come to think of it, his shrew of a wife basically said the same thing:

"Our souls are broken in this country."

Texas Truth said...

Chanman: Don't give up hope. He will get around to that.